About Unicorn Dreamland

My name is Elizabeth and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I love all things pink, sparkly and magical! I started my business, Unicorn Dreamland, on Etsy five years ago, with only a few bracelets and rings I had made and decided to sell. Five years later, I am so excited to announce that I have launched my very own website with over 250 products (and many more to come!) I have all the same jewellery and accessories on here as I do on my Etsy shop, as well as some new ones too! I am still in the process of uploading all of the clothing and other accessories (bags and purses etc) onto here, but in the mean time you can still view and purchase all of that on my Etsy shop. I also have a new line of clothing that I am currently working on, and I am so excited to launch that soon!
Inspired by all things sparkly, fluffy and cute, Unicorn Dreamland is the store for all the dreamers and misfits of the world. Here, we celebrate everything different, magical and unique! With Unicorn Dreamland, it is my goal to spread happiness to people all over the world. In my opinion, so much of fashion today is so dull and boring, which is why I have a personal goal to spread as much colour, fun and magic as I can with my store. I love anything magical, sparkly and fluffy, and if you do too, this is the store for you!
If you would like to contact me, please click here.
Don't forget to tag me in any pics you post of your purchases online and click on the links below to follow Unicorn Dreamland on Etsy, Facebook and Instagram!